
Providing discretion & comfort for anyone with NG, NJ or G-Tube feeding systems!

Why Tubie Pockets?

William was hospitalized at the age of 9 months old. He spent a month on life support in intensive care and doctors were not optimistic about his prognosis. His parents, Scott and Rebekah were overjoyed when he made it home just before his first birthday. Although he had been an eating champ in the past, he came home from the hospital with an NG tube, unable to eat on his own. It didn't matter. He was alive and getting healthier and that was all that mattered. 

However, William's parents realized when they adjusted to life at home that things were a bit more complicated. William required so much medical care that Rebekah had to quit her job to take care of him. At the same time, she was frustrated that his NG tube kept getting snagged, hurting his skin, causing the tube to have to be reinserted all of the time and making it uncomfortable for others to hold him. So, she designed the first Tubie Pocket. She showed it to a friend who encouraged her to sell the idea and Rebekah and Will started a very small business to bring in some extra income.

Fast forward 2 years and Rebekah and Will had started a volunteer ministry visiting other families in the hospital with new babies who had various medical diagnoses. On one of these trips they met Faith and her parents, Jeanette and Frank. Faith was also facing some major medical complications. Jeanette and Frank were overwhelmed with all of her unexpected medical needs and saddened that people were nervous to hold Faith because her NG feeding tube was hanging from her cheek. Jeanette and Rebekah became friends and one day they started to talk business!

Jeanette was also passionate to help other families who felt the same anxiety that she had felt bringing Faith home with a feeding tube. She brought some awesome new product ideas to the Tubie Pockets brand as well as a knack for business and their partnership was formed. Today, they are working to grow the Tubie Pockets brand as a means to provide long-term for William and Faith, both of whom are home, healthy and doing well with their G tubes!

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